Friday, June 15, 2012

Surgery No. 2

the first one was on 13th April 12. the doc didn't achieve the goal of the surgery which was heart-breaking. told my parents and the following Friday, i found myself semi-recovered and at another gynae's office - Dato' Dr Aziz of Gleneagles. so the kind Dr talked to us about what the other surgery was about, looked at my x-rays and all and finally telling me that i will need another surgery. an open surgery. which will unblock my fallopian tubes.

so we went home to think about it... and think we did. should we or should we not? what is the success rate of the surgery? what happens next? what are my chances of conceiving after the surgery, if it was indeed  a success? which was better.. or easier - surgery or IVF? and after all that... we decided to go ahead with the surgery since i want to try to conceive naturally instead of IVF. that would the last, last resort.

we went back and told the Dr that we had decided with the surgery and book the dates. which was in 2 weeks. dang! i had to clear LOADS of paperwork before i left coz when i asked the Dr how long i would be on MC... he said about 3 weeks... uh oh!! i stayed back at work almost everyday to clear all my paperwork and stuff.

surgery was on Tuesday 29th May. i was admitted on Monday 28th May. guess what??!! i had gastric/ stomach flu on Friday 25th May and it was horrible.. i was bed/couch-bound the whole day and i still had some paperwork to clear but thankfully 95% of the work was done and i had awesome colleagues who helped me out.

ok.. so i was admitted. nurse drew blood and Mr Hubby was not there, yet again. i was so nervous that i had blood bursting out.. hahah.. drama! that was what the nurse and Mr. Hubby told me. and i had th blood stain as proof.. which i forgot to take photo of. cis! this time around i was more nervous probably because more people knew i was out from the last surgery and was asking about my well-being, what's the next step and what-nots. as the wheeled me in  into the operating theater, i was not as nervous as i was in the first one... surprisingly. maybe it was because i wasn't feeling as cold as the last one though i had to wait a short while the Dr went to deliver a baby. after a few minutes i was under already.

woke up feeling fine. less pain and less headache and less nausea. thanks to the anti-nausea pills they gave me before the surgery. they wheeled me into my room and saw Mr. Hubby. oh happy days!! the next few days was a blur of nausea and ok moments. i slept A LOT. obviously.. i didnt eat anything for 2 days i think. the following day, thursday (i think), the nurse took out the pee catheter thingy.. aiyo.. ngilu! i dont know the english version of that word. but yes.. ngilu. the nurse made me get up too.. urghh... i hate that feeling. my tummy/womb moving about. it doesnt hurt at the time coz i was on painkillers.

i was discharge on Friday but i was still nauseous. urghh!! worst feeling ever. i found later... 2 days later actually was that all this nauseous/ dizzying feeling was the side-effect of my painkillers. which i stop immediately. i felt much better the next day and i found out that i lost 4kgs over 1 week. to which i think, i have put it all on again back by now.

got my stitches out on wed... that was another ngilu moment. geli!! even thinking about it makes my hair stand..

my next appointment is tomorrow. im feeling a lot better but the area hurts from time to time..

so that's my story of Surgery No. 2.

oh! by the way... the surgery was a success...


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