Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Brother Got Married

And he did about 3 weeks ago. Of course its not without drama. But what is a wedding without its drama.. Am i right or am i right?
So his solemnization was on Friday night, 29th June in Perlis. Reception was the next afternoon.
My parents and i left on Thurs. I havent been to Perlis except that one time for a school trip to UUM back in 1997. Yeah... That long.. So we drove up to Perlis and i had all the hantaran stuff to be assembled there.
So along the way... Somewhere near Parit Buntar, we had a small accident. MH and i (we drove separate cars from my parents)... We hit a dog and had to stop-by the roadside. Radiator was leaking... Or so we thot. Anyway... the car had to fixed. Took us about 4 hrs to get it done. That has to be a separate post... Drama drama drama!
By the time we left the workshop, it was close to 7pm. The GPS made us use jalan kampung which was really dark. Cant-see-your-the-hands-in-front-of-your-face kinda dark. It was scary! Thankfully there were no other accidents and we got to Kangar at 10ish. So tired by then but we still ate before going up to our room. Must always prioritize the tummy above everything else. Hehe
Next night was the solemnization night. We had all hantaran ready and left. My brother knew only one route to get to the bride's house and that route had roads under construction. Gravel!!! Not tar-ed road but gravel. My cousin just bought a new car so he was not very happy but we all got there in one piece, thankfully.
Everthing went well. He did it in one lafaz. Amin... Oh btw, i gave MH the most important dulang to carry, the duit hantaran cheque which was in a glass picture frame and mas kahwin and guess what happened??!!? Yup, you guessed it! He dropped the glass frame and it broke! I was crushed and panic a little. But it was ok.. we took out d broken glass and rearranged it again. Aiyooo!!
So... the next day was the reception where i got to meet Normala Samsudin. The ex-TV3 news presenter.. She so pretty and down to earth and really really nice!
We left Kangar after the reception..
Photos for your viewing pleasure.. Hehehe

hantaran done by moi :-)

hubby and sister before the solemnization




siblings and hubby

whole family

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